How AINES works

AINES (Artificial Intelligent Name Extraction System) was developed by X-treem Software to analyse the file name of an MP3 and any other information available from the file (such as the ID3 Tag information) and relate these together to come to a decision about which parts of the file name represent the information that is required.

In the case of MP3 files, the information required for our purposes is:

Each of these data may also be stored in the file as part of the ID3v1 Tag or the ID3v2 Tag.

The AINES process:

  1. The first thing that AINES does is parse the file name for its constituent parts using any characters specified as possible separators (such as hyphens, tildes, semi-colons, commas, etc.).  More info >> If Detect double-barrel words is enabled in File Name and Tag Coordinator Options, any hyphens that exist with words immediately either side of the hyphen (i.e., no space) will not be considered as separators.

  2. Attempt to find a Track Number in the extracted names (constituent parts found in step 1).  More info >> If Rigorous track number detection is enabled in File Name and Tag Coordinator Advanced Options, each of the extracted names will be examined for the presence of a "prepended" Track Number. By prepended, this means the left side of the extracted name. So, for instance, if the extracted name was "6 Stairway to Heaven", "06Stairway to Heaven" or "6", in all cases, the Track Number obtained will be '6'. If Rigorous track number detection is not enabled, then only the first extracted name will be examined for a Track Number.
    Of course, there are Artist Names that begin with a number (such as 98 Degrees, 911, 112, 808 State). This is where the Track number limit option in File Name and Tag Coordinator Advanced Options is used. By specifying a limit, any number found in the way described above will be ignored if it is above the specified limit.

  3. Count the number of extracted names (having removed any that only included a Track Number) and proceed using the appropriate following step for whichever the count is equal to:

    1. Count is equal to 1 >> The Album can only be the ID3 Tag Album.
      If the extracted name matches the ID3 Tag Artist, then the extracted name must be the Artist, in which case use the ID3 Tag to get the Title.
      If the extracted name matches the ID3 Tag Title, then the extracted name must be the Title, in which case use the ID3 Tag to get the Artist.
      If no matches were found between the ID3 Tag and the extracted names, then use the ID3 Tag for the Artist and take the Title from the preferred reliability source. However, AINES will regard this as questionable.

    2. Count is equal to 2 >> The Album can only be the ID3 Tag Album.
      Take both the Artist and the Title from the preferred reliability source.

    3. Count is equal to 3 >> Take the Artist, Title and Album from the preferred reliability source.
      However, since it is not common to have the Album as part of the file name, this may be a case of AINES extracting too many names due to misinterpreting separators. So in all cases, AINES will regard this as questionable.

    4. Count is greater than 3 >> AINES has extracted too many names from the file name and so cannot use the extracted names to work out any of the required data (Album, Artist, Title). All data will be taken from the ID3 Tag. AINES will regard this as questionable if the Reliability Preference in File Name and Tag Coordinator Options is set to File Name.
      If no data exists for either the Artist or Title in the ID3 Tag, then this is a problem and AINES will assign No Change Action to this file. See Tips below for ways to prevent this.

  4. Format the resulting Artist and Title Names according to the options specified in File Name and Tag Coordinator Advanced Options:

    1. Capitalise, make UPPERCASE or lowercase, or don't change at all according to Artist/Title format options.

    2. Go through each word in the Artist/Title Name and change if the word is specified in Change special words options.

    3. Go through each word in the Artist/Title Name and Capitalise or make UPPERCASE or lowercase if the word is specified in Special words format options.

    4. Convert any underscores to spaces if Remove underscores is enabled.

    5. Convert any double spaces to single spaces if Remove double spaces is enabled.  This will convert anything up to four spaces in a row to a single space.

    6. If the Artist Name starts with "The", put it at the end (with a preceding comma) if 'The' at end of Artist Name is enabled.

